If you suffer from tinnitus, you might feel distracted or frustrated at work. You might be wary of going out with friends or getting together with family, since you sometimes aren't able to make out certain things you want to hear—like the discussion going on around the dinner table.
About 15-20% of people around the world experience tinnitus, so even though you may feel alone in your condition, there are many others who know how it feels. And we have more good news—fortunately, certain medical treatments can help treat and prevent tinnitus, including the wearing of hearing aids.
But what exactly is tinnitus? And what do hearing aids and tinnitus have to do with each other?
What Is Tinnitus?
People who experience tinnitus describe it as a ringing or buzzing sound in the ears that only they can hear. The sound may come at various volumes and tones, and the noise can come and go or be a constant ringing.
It might be a high or low pitch in one ear or both ears, and it can happen at any time. Many people notice tinnitus more when there isn’t as much background sound, like when trying to fall asleep or spending time alone in a quiet room.
Is Tinnitus a Disease?
Tinnitus isn’t a disease, but a condition that is caused by some other factor. In fact, about 90% of people with tinnitus also experience some type of hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss is particularly common among those with tinnitus, so it occurs frequently in those who work in noisy environments (think carpenters, musicians, heavy machinery operators, etc.).
Though tinnitus can be a major annoyance, it usually doesn’t cause any physical harm. However, the condition can make it hard to focus, communicate, or be productive. This means tinnitus may interrupt other healthy habits, such as getting good sleep, concentrating at work or school, or spending time with others.
Causes of Tinnitus
It’s important to note that while hearing loss and tinnitus are associated, hearing loss does not cause tinnitus, nor is the opposite true. Here are some of the most common causes of tinnitus:
- Prolonged exposure to loud noise: Concerts, gunshots, loud machinery, explosives, or other loud sounds can cause temporary or long-term tinnitus.
- Medications: Certain antibiotics, antidepressants, and cancer medications can cause tinnitus or make the condition worse. Higher doses are riskier than low doses, and usually the tinnitus stops when the person stops taking the medication.
- Aging: Those who experience hearing loss due to old age may be more likely to develop tinnitus. This is because the nerve fibers in the ear decrease with age, which can lead to hearing problems related to tinnitus.
- Certain diseases: Diseases like Meniere’s disease, otosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease have all been linked to tinnitus.
- Other medical issues: People who have high blood pressure, anemia, allergies, diabetes, or TMJ might also be more prone to develop tinnitus.
- Ear wax: Sometimes tinnitus is caused by earwax buildup or by ear infections. Once the wax is removed from the ear, the tinnitus goes away.
- Head and neck trauma: Those who have experienced an injury to the head or neck may have permanent damage to the inner ear, which could cause tinnitus in one ear.
- Muscle spasms: When muscles tense up momentarily, it can cause a spasm that leads to temporary or long-term tinnitus.
The Link Between Hearing Loss and Tinnitus
By now, you know that hearing loss and tinnitus are associated, but one does not cause the other. So what’s the link between the two conditions?
Hearing loss minimizes ear stimulation—fewer environmental sounds are registering within the ear. So when a person isn’t able to hear the ambient noises they’re used to hearing, it brings a heightened awareness to any buzzing or ringing sound.
Because the ear does not have as much stimulation, there is less nerve activity in the ear. But signals are still traveling from the damaged area of the ear to the brain’s nervous system that is responsible for hearing. And when it sends those signals, they often register as ringing, buzzing, or clicking.
How Do Hearing Aids Help with Tinnitus?
If hearing loss doesn’t cause tinnitus, can hearing aids still help with the condition? Yes! If a person with tinnitus also has hearing loss, hearing aids are proven to minimize or prevent tinnitus symptoms. This is because hearing aids amplify external noises and provide enough stimulation to the ear to keep the signals sent to the nervous system in check. Many people who experience tinnitus report that they don’t hear the buzzing or ringing sound as loud or as often when wearing hearing aids.
Hearing aids should be used in both ears, even if the tinnitus is only experienced in one ear. The person should get in the habit of wearing their hearing aids regularly to reduce or prevent tinnitus from coming back.
Best Hearing Aids for Tinnitus
Wondering where to find the best hearing aids for tinnitus? Audien Hearing offers the same technology at a fraction of the price of more expensive hearing aids, providing affordable relief for anyone suffering from tinnitus.
Our high-quality hearing aids allow you to increase the volume of your environment, making tinnitus and other sounds less noticeable. And because we cut out the middleman and sell straight to our customers with minimal overhead, our rechargeable hearing aids are just $89 per pair.
Order Affordable Hearing Aids Today
It’s time you found relief from the annoyances of tinnitus. Order your Audien Hearing aids today to get a superior sound that minimizes buzzing, ringing, or clicking sounds and allows you to better enjoy everyday life. Our hearing aids are FDA-registered and come with a 45-day money-back guarantee, so there’s no risk involved.
And because our hearing aids are rechargeable, you’ll save even more money in the long run. We’re a USA company that offers fast shipping, quick and convenient returns, and a 1-year warranty on all products. Don’t wait to treat your tinnitus symptoms—get your Audien Hearing aids now.
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