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Support for Your Hearing Aids

Essential tips to help you get the best experience from your aids. Watch now for setup, adjustments, and troubleshooting advice.
Expert Tips

Getting the Most Out of Your Product

Our Head of Audiology, Dr. Rachel Trinker, has prepared a quick guide to help you get started and maximize your hearing experience.


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Atom 2
Atom pro 2
Ion pro
Atom Pro

Atom 2 troubleshooting

I am experiencing feedback or whistling

Feedback or whistling occurs when the microphone is covered or when you are using the wrong sized ear dome.


1. Experiment with finding the right ear dome size for your ears (It’s even possible for each ear canal to have a different size)
Click here to watch video example.

2. Be sure to not touch or cover the hearing aid’s microphone and ensure you are following proper insertion instructions.
Click here to watch video example.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am hearing background noise/white noise/my own voice

Hearing the sound of your own voice, white noise, or other unusual sounds (often referred to as the occlusion effect) is completely normal at first because your brain isn’t used to hearing those sounds. This will go away after 3-4 weeks of daily use.

Solution: In order for your brain to adjust to the new sounds you are experiencing you must wear your new hearing aids every day, for at least a few hours. This can be uncomfortable at first, but we promise after 3-4 weeks you will not want to go without them!
Click here to watch video example.

Use outdoor (mode 4) to add extra background noise cancellation

If after 3-4 weeks of daily use you are still experiencing this issue please contact our support team here.

I don’t hear any sound or the sound is muffled.

Muffled or no sound can occasionally happen but can typically be fixed by following 3 simple steps.


1. Adjust the volume level: (Insert youtube link for volume)
Ensure that the volume is turned up. Sometimes, you might accidentally set the volume too low.

2. Wax guard replacement:
The next step is to change your wax guard. Wax guards should be replaced every 1-2 weeks or your device will stop working. In addition to the wax guards, ensure that there is no wax build up caught in the ear dome or hearing aid.
Click here to watch video example.

3.Battery Charge:
Place them in the charging case and plug the case into the wall for at least 3-4 hours.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am having trouble fitting the device in my ear properly.

Everyone's ear canal is different so there is no "right way” to fit the device in your ear. Follow these steps to ensure the best fit.


1. Use the pull wire: Grasp the hearing aid by the pull wire between your thumb and forefinger. Avoid holding the body of the hearing aid to prevent covering the microphone, which could cause feedback.

2. Position Your Ear

With your free hand, gently pull up on the outer ear. This helps to open up the ear canal for easier insertion.
Click here to watch video example.

3. Try different angles
: Some ear canals angle forward some back or even up. Try rotating the hearing aid in each direction (up, back, forward, down) to see which angle provides the deepest and best seal.

4. Find the right sized ear domes:
Experiment with finding the right ear dome size for your ears (It’s even possible for each ear canal to have a different size)
Click here to watch video example.

5. Check for Comfort
: Ensure that the device feels snug but not overly tight. Adjust as necessary to ensure comfort and proper positioning.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am having trouble changing the volumes or modes.

Click here to watch video example.

Volume: There are 5 volume levels on the Atom 2. To adjust the volume level, quick-press the button on the hearing aids. You will hear a high-pitched beep— the number of beeps signifies the volume level. You will hear one beep for volume 1, and five beeps for volume 5.

The Atom 2 comes with four listening modes. These modes optimize your listening experience to the environment that you are in. 

The listening mode you choose will largely be personal preference. If you’re experiencing too much background noise, try Mode 4, Outdoor mode, which has the most background noise reduction. 

Changing modes:
Press and hold the volume button until you hear a low-pitched boop. The number of boops indicates which mode your device is in:

1 boop: Conversation
2 boops: Restaurant
3 boops: TV
4 boops: Outdoor

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am having issues with the lights, charging, or battery life.

Charging : Click here to watch video example.

The Atom 2 features indicator lights that provide information about the charging status of the hearing aids.

  • Red center light = Case is plugged in and receiving power
  • Red left/right lights = Charging
  • Green lights = Fully charged

Powering on and off: The device does not have an ON/OFF switch, it will automatically power off when placed in the case, and power on when removed. It is important to return the hearing aids to the case when not in use to prevent battery drain.

Battery Life: Once fully charged, the Atom 2 can last up to 24 hours depending on usage. The charging case itself does not have a battery and must be plugged into the wall to charge the hearing aids.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

Atom Pro 2 troubleshooting

I am experiencing feedback or whistling

Feedback or whistling occurs when the microphone is covered or when you are using the wrong sized ear dome.


1. Experiment with finding the right ear dome size for your ears (It’s even possible for each ear canal to have a different size)
Click here to watch video example.

2. Be sure not to touch or cover the hearing aid’s microphone and ensure you are following proper insertion instructions.
Click here to watch video example.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am hearing background noise/white noise/my own voice

Hearing the sound of your own voice, white noise, or other unusual sounds (often referred to as the occlusion effect) is completely normal at first because your brain isn’t used to hearing those sounds. This will go away after 3-4 weeks of daily use. 

In order for your brain to adjust to the new sounds you are experiencing you must wear your new hearing aids every day, for at least a few hours. This can be uncomfortable at first, but we promise after 3-4 weeks you will not want to go without them!

Click here to watch video example.

Use outdoor (mode 4) to add extra background noise cancellation.

If after 3-4 weeks of daily use you are still experiencing this issue please contact our support team here.

I don’t hear any sound or the sound is muffled.

Muffled or no sound can occasionally happen but can typically be fixed by following 3 simple steps.


1. Adjust the volume level: Ensure that the volume is turned up. Sometimes, you might accidentally set the volume too low.

2. Wax guard replacement: The next step is to change your wax guard. Wax guards should be replaced every 1-2 weeks or your device will stop working. In addition to the wax guards, ensure that there is no wax build up caught in the ear dome or hearing aid.

Click here to watch video example.

3. Battery Charge: Place them in the charging case and plug the case into the wall for at least 3-4 hours.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am having trouble fitting the device in my ear properly.

Everyone's ear canal is different so there is no "right way” to fit the device in your ear. Follow these steps to ensure the best fit.


1. Use the pull wire
: Grasp the hearing aid by the pull wire between your thumb and forefinger. Avoid holding the body of the hearing aid to prevent covering the microphone, which could cause feedback.

2. Position Your Ear:  With your free hand, gently pull up on the outer ear. This helps to open up the ear canal for easier insertion.
Click here to watch video example.

3. Try different angles: Some ear canals angle forward some back or even up. Try rotating the hearing aid in each direction (up, back, forward, down) to see which angle provides the deepest and best seal.

4. Find the right sized ear domes: Experiment with finding the right ear dome size for your ears (It’s even possible for each ear canal to have a different size)
Click here to watch video example.

5. Check for Comfort: Ensure that the device feels snug but not overly tight. Adjust as necessary to ensure comfort and proper positioning.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am having trouble changing the volumes or modes.

Click here to watch video example.

Volume: There are 5 volume levels on the Atom Pro 2. To adjust the volume level, quick-press the button on the hearing aids. You will hear a high-pitched beep— the number of beeps signifies the volume level. You will hear one beep for volume 1, and five beeps for volume 5.

The Atom Pro 2 comes with four listening modes. These modes optimize your listening experience to the environment that you are in. 

The listening mode you choose will largely be personal preference. If you’re experiencing too much background noise, try Mode 4, Outdoor mode, which has the most background noise reduction. 

Changing modes: Press and hold the volume button until you hear a low-pitched boop. The number of boops indicates which mode your device is in:

  • 1 boop: Conversation
  • 2 boops: Restaurant
  • 3 boops: TV
  • 4 boops: Outdoor

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am having issues with the lights, charging, or battery life.

Charging: Audien Hearing Atom Pro 2 How To Charge

The Atom Pro 2 features indicator lights that provide information about the charging status of the hearing aids:

Red lights = Charging

Green lights = Fully charged

Powering on and off: The device does not have an ON/OFF switch, it will automatically power off when placed in the case, and power on when removed. It is important to return the hearing aids to the charging case when not in use to prevent battery drain.

Battery Life: Once fully charged, the Atom Pro 2 can last up to 24 hours depending on usage. The charging case itself can hold a charge for up to 5 days without needing to be plugged in.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

Ion troubleshooting

I am experiencing feedback or whistling.

Feedback or whistling occurs when the microphone is covered or when you are using the wrong sized ear dome.


1. Experiment with finding the right ear dome size for your ears (It’s even possible for each ear canal to have a different size)
Click here to watch video example.

2. Be sure to not touch or cover the hearing aid’s microphone and ensure you are following proper insertion instructions.
Click here to watch video example.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am hearing background noise/white noise/my own voice

Hearing the sound of your own voice, white noise, or other unusual sounds (often referred to as the occlusion effect) is completely normal at first because your brain isn’t used to hearing those sounds. This will go away after 3-4 weeks of daily use. 


In order for your brain to adjust to the new sounds you are experiencing you must wear your new hearing aids every day, for at least a few hours. This can be uncomfortable at first, but we promise after 3-4 weeks you will not want to go without them!
Click here to watch video example.

Tip: Use outdoor mode to add extra background noise cancellation.

If after 3-4 weeks of daily use you are still experiencing this issue please contact our support team here.

I don’t hear any sound or the sound is muffled.

Muffled or no sound can occasionally happen but can typically be fixed by following 3 simple steps.


1. Adjust the volume level: (Insert youtube link for volume)
Ensure that the volume is turned up. Sometimes, you might accidentally set the volume too low.

2. Wax guard replacement: The next step is to change your wax guard. Wax guards should be replaced every 1-2 weeks or your device will stop working. In addition to the wax guards, ensure that there is no wax build up caught in the ear dome or hearing aid.

Click here to watch video example.

3. Battery Charge:
Place them in the charging case and plug the case into the wall for at least 3-4 hours.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am having trouble fitting this in my ear.

Everyone's ear canal is different so there is no "right way” to fit the device in your ear. Follow these steps to ensure the best fit.


1. Find the right type and size ear dome for you: Experiment with finding the right ear dome size for your ears (It’s even possible for each ear canal to have a different size). You also want to pick between rounded or coned ear domes. 

The rounded ear-domes are meant for a more snug fit and extra protection against wax, but can cause your voice to sound more prominent (occlusion). 

The Coned Ear-domes are more comfortable and help ease occlusion, but these ear domes may increase the amount of feedback/whistling you’ll experience.

- Try them each and pick which sounds best to you.

2. Check for Comfort: Ensure that the device feels snug but not overly tight. Adjust as necessary to ensure comfort and proper positioning.

3. Avoid Feedback: If you experience any feedback or whistling sounds, it may be due to an improper seal. Make sure that the ear dome is properly fitted and not pressed against the receiver, which can block sound and cause feedback.

Click here to watch video example.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am having trouble changing the volumes or modes.

Volume: There are 9 volume levels on the ion. You can adjust the volume by simply clicking the up or down buttons on the device. 

You will hear a quick double beep between each volume level. At the lowest and highest volume level, you’ll hear a single beep. 
Click here to watch video example.

Modes: The ion comes with 4 listening modes. The listening mode you choose will largely be personal preference. If you’re experiencing too much background noise, try Mode 4, Outdoor mode, which has the most background noise reduction.

To change listening modes on your ion, press and hold the volume up/down button until you hear a chime. The number of chimes indicates which mode your device is in: one chime for mode one, two chimes for mode two, etc. 

For more info on changing modes, watch the tutorial here:
Click here to watch video example.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

Ion Pro troubleshooting

I’m having trouble with Bluetooth.

Click here to watch video example.

The ion Pro tutorial above is a great resource to answer your set-up questions, but feel free to also read these steps below:

Initial Setup: Ensure Bluetooth is turned on in your phone settings. Open the Audien Ion Pro app and follow the onboarding steps to connect the hearing aids to the app. 

Hands-Free & Streaming Connection
: After the initial setup, you will need to establish a second Bluetooth connection for hands-free calling and streaming audio. This involves going to the 'Device' page in the app and selecting 'Hands-free & Streaming' to initiate the connection. (Add photo)

Compatibility Check
: The Ion Pro is compatible with iPhone models 11-15 (iOS 13+) and Samsung Galaxy S20-24, as well as Android devices running version 13 or higher. If your smart phone is not on this list, there’s a good chance that it will still work, but functionality is not guaranteed.

: If you encounter issues, ensure both hearing aids are charged, forget the device in your phone's Bluetooth settings, and reconnect through the app. If one hearing aid isn't connecting, test them individually to identify any connectivity issues.

Connection Range
: Maintain a distance of under 10 meters (preferably within 5 meters) from your phone for optimal performance.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am having trouble with hearing profiles or modes.

Click here to watch video example.


Hearing profiles and environmental modes in the ion Pro serve different functions in customizing your hearing experience.

1. Hearing Profiles: Your hearing profile is one of the most exciting features that we have for the ion Pro— think of it as a custom profile designed to more closely match your specific type of hearing loss. Selecting your best-match hearing profile as seen in the above tutorial video will help improve your listening experience across all environments and situations.

2. Environmental Modes: In contrast, environmental modes adjust the hearing aid settings based on the user's current environment, such as watching TV, being in a crowded place, or having a one-on-one conversation. These modes are designed to optimize the hearing experience for specific situations but do not alter the fundamental gain settings across all frequencies like hearing profiles do. You can easily experiment with these modes on your ion Pro app to find the best fit. 

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am hearing background noise/white noise/my own voice

Hearing the sound of your own voice, white noise, or other unusual sounds (often referred to as the occlusion effect) is completely normal at first because your brain isn’t used to hearing those sounds. This will go away after 3-4 weeks of daily use.

Click here to watch video example.

Solution: In order for your brain to adjust to the new sounds you are experiencing you must wear your new hearing aids every day, for at least a few hours. This can be uncomfortable at first, but we promise after 3-4 weeks you will not want to go without them!

Additional steps:

1. Fit and Seal: The fit of the hearing aids is crucial. If they do not create a proper seal in the ear canal, external sounds can leak in, causing a mix of amplified sounds and background noise. Be sure to try all different ear dome sizes and styles to find a snug fit.

2. Volume Settings: If the volume is set too high, it can amplify speech and background noise to an uncomfortable level. Lowering the volume through the app may help reduce this issue.

3. Hearing Profile Settings: Picking the wrong hearing profile may lead to excessive background noise or discomfort with how your voice sounds. Be sure to try all hearing profiles to find one that makes for the most comfortable listening experience.  We also recommend toggling background noise reduction on and off, and experimenting with the environmental modes.

4. Feedback and Whistling: The ion Pro features advanced feedback suppression technology; however, if there is a poor fit or if the hearing aids are positioned incorrectly, feedback can occur, resulting in whistling or echoing sounds that may be perceived as noise.

If after 3-4 weeks of daily use you are still experiencing this issue please contact our support team here.

I don't hear any sound or the sound is muffled.

Click here to watch video example.

Solution: The most common reason the sound might be muffled on your ion Pros relates to changing your wax guard. Wax buildup can obstruct sound– be sure to watch the above tutorial video and frequently change your wax guards (at least every 1-2 weeks). 

Buy wax guards here.

Additionally, you may want to check your volume and make sure it’s set to an appropriate level. You can adjust the volume using the app or the manual controls on the hearing aids. If the volume is too low, it may cause the sound to appear muffled.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

What do the lights mean? How does it charge? How long does it last for?

Click here to watch video explanation.

: The ion Pros use a portable charging case with indicator lights to show the charging status. When the hearing aids are placed in the charging case, you should hear a magnetic 'click' indicating they are properly seated. The lights on the front of the case indicate the charging status:

  • Green Light: The hearing aid is fully charged.
  • Red Light: The hearing aid is currently charging.
  • No Light: There is no power going to the charging case or the hearing aids.

The hearing aids should be left in the charging case for at least 4-6 hours to achieve a full charge. Once fully charged, the Ion Pro hearing aids can last up to 16 hours when used solely for hearing aid functions without Bluetooth streaming. However, if Bluetooth is used for streaming or calls, the battery life may decrease significantly, so if you are not actively using Bluetooth, we recommend switching it off on your phone to preserve battery life. 

Atom troubleshooting

I am experiencing feedback or whistling.

Feedback or whistling occurs when the microphone is covered or when you are using the wrong sized ear dome.


1. Choose the Correct Earbud Size: Ensure that you are using the correct earbud size that fits snugly in your ear. Each device comes with small, medium, and large earbuds. Take time to experiment; everybody is different– sometimes, people require to different sizes for each of their ears.

2. Correct Insertion Technique: When inserting the hearing aids, hold them by the handling wire and gently pull your outer ear back to open the ear canal. This helps in achieving a better fit and minimizes feedback.

3. Avoid Covering the Microphone: Be cautious not to cover the microphone with your fingers during insertion, as this can cause whistling.

4. Adjust Positioning: If feedback occurs after insertion, try rotating the hearing aid or adjusting its angle to find a comfortable position that reduces feedback.

5. Check for Obstructions: Ensure that there are no obstructions such as earwax in the ear canal or on the hearing aid itself that could be causing feedback.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am hearing background noise/white noise/my own voice

Hearing the sound of your own voice, white noise, or other unusual sounds (often referred to as the occlusion effect) is completely normal at first because your brain isn’t used to hearing those sounds. This will go away after 3-4 weeks of daily use. 

Solution: In order for your brain to adjust to the new sounds you are experiencing you must wear your new hearing aids every day, for at least a few hours. This can be uncomfortable at first, but we promise after 3-4 weeks you will not want to go without them!

Click here to watch video example.

If after 3-4 weeks of daily use you are still experiencing this issue please contact our support team here.

I don’t hear any sound or the sound is muffled.

Muffled or no sound can occasionally happen but can typically be fixed by following these simple steps.


1. Adjust the volume level: (Insert youtube link for volume)
Ensure that the volume is turned up. Sometimes, you might accidentally set the volume too low.

2. Wax guard replacement: The next step is to change your wax guard. Wax guards should be replaced every 1-2 weeks or your device will stop working. In addition to the wax guards, ensure that there is no wax build up caught in the ear dome or hearing aid.

Click here to watch video example.

3. Battery Charge: Place them in the charging case and plug the case into the wall for at least 3-4 hours

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am having trouble fitting the device in my ear properly.

Everyone's ear canal is different so there is no "right way” to fit the device in your ear. Follow these steps to ensure the best fit.


1. Use the pull wire: Grasp the hearing aid by the pull wire between your thumb and forefinger. Avoid holding the body of the hearing aid to prevent covering the microphone, which could cause feedback.

2. Position Your Ear: With your free hand, gently pull up on the outer ear. This helps to open up the ear canal for easier insertion.

Click here to watch video example.

3. Try different angles: Some ear canals angle forward some back or even up. Try rotating the hearing aid in each direction (up, back, forward, down) to see which angle provides the deepest and best seal.

4. Find the right sized ear domes: Experiment with finding the right ear dome size for your ears (It’s even possible for each ear canal to have a different size)

Click here to watch video example.

5. Check for Comfort: Ensure that the device feels snug but not overly tight. Adjust as necessary to ensure comfort and proper positioning.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am having trouble charging my device

To troubleshoot charging issues for Audien Atom hearing aids, follow these detailed steps:

Click here to watch video explanation.

1. Check Power Source: Ensure that the charging case is correctly connected to a power source. A blue light at the back of the charging dock will ensure that the black dock is plugged in properly. Then, for the two indicator lights next to where the hearing aids insert to confirm that the hearing aids are receiving power. The hearing aid indicator lights will be red while charging, and green when fully charged. If the light is off, try a different outlet or check the power cable.

2. Correct Placement: Place the hearing aids into the charging case, ensuring they are properly seated. You should feel the hearing aids 'click' into place and see the indicator lights on the case turn red (or green), signifying a connection. If the lights do not turn red, remove and reinsert the hearing aids to ensure proper alignment.

3. Charging Duration: Leave the hearing aids in the charging case for at least 4 hours. Fully charged devices will have green indicator lights. 

4. Troubleshooting Connection: To troubleshoot charging connection issues, clean the charging contacts on both the hearing aids and the charging dock with a soft cloth to remove any debris or wax buildup.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

Atom Pro troubleshooting

I am experiencing feedback or whistling

Feedback or whistling occurs when the microphone is covered or when you are using the wrong sized ear dome.


1. Choose the Correct Earbud Size: Ensure that you are using the correct earbud size that fits snugly in your ear. Each device comes with small, medium, and large earbuds. Take time to experiment; everybody is different– sometimes, people require to different sizes for each of their ears.

Click here to watch video explanation.

2. Correct Insertion Technique: When inserting the hearing aids, hold them by the handling wire and gently pull your outer ear back to open the ear canal. This helps in achieving a better fit and minimizes feedback.

3. Avoid Covering the Microphone: Be cautious not to cover the microphone with your fingers during insertion, as this can cause whistling.

4. Adjust Positioning: If feedback occurs after insertion, try rotating the hearing aid or adjusting its angle to find a comfortable position that reduces feedback.

5. Check for Obstructions: Ensure that there are no obstructions such as earwax in the ear canal or on the hearing aid itself that could be causing feedback.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am hearing background noise/white noise/my own voice

Hearing the sound of your own voice, white noise, or other unusual sounds (often referred to as the occlusion effect) is completely normal at first because your brain isn’t used to hearing those sounds. This will go away after 3-4 weeks of daily use. 

Solution: In order for your brain to adjust to the new sounds you are experiencing you must wear your new hearing aids every day, for at least a few hours. This can be uncomfortable at first, but we promise after 3-4 weeks you will not want to go without them!

Click here to watch video example.

If after 3-4 weeks of daily use you are still experiencing this issue please contact our support team here.

I don’t hear any sound or the sound is muffled.

Muffled or no sound can occasionally happen but can typically be fixed by following these simple steps.


1. Adjust the volume level: (Insert youtube link for volume)
Ensure that the volume is turned up. Sometimes, you might accidentally set the volume too low.

2. Wax guard replacement: The next step is to change your wax guard. Wax guards should be replaced every 1-2 weeks or your device will stop working. In addition to the wax guards, ensure that there is no wax build up caught in the ear dome or hearing aid.

Click here to watch video example.

3. Battery Charge: Place them in the charging case and plug the case into the wall for at least 3-4 hours

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am having trouble fitting the device in my ear properly.

Everyone's ear canal is different so there is no "right way” to fit the device in your ear. Follow these steps to ensure the best fit.


1. Use the pull wire: Grasp the hearing aid by the pull wire between your thumb and forefinger. Avoid holding the body of the hearing aid to prevent covering the microphone, which could cause feedback.

2. Position Your Ear: With your free hand, gently pull up on the outer ear. This helps to open up the ear canal for easier insertion.

Click here to watch video example.

3. Try different angles: Some ear canals angle forward some back or even up. Try rotating the hearing aid in each direction (up, back, forward, down) to see which angle provides the deepest and best seal.

4. Find the right sized ear domes: Experiment with finding the right ear dome size for your ears (It’s even possible for each ear canal to have a different size)

Click here to watch video example.

5. Check for Comfort: Ensure that the device feels snug but not overly tight. Adjust as necessary to ensure comfort and proper positioning.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

I am having trouble charging my device

To troubleshoot charging issues for Audien Atom hearing aids, follow these detailed steps:

Click here to watch video explanation.

1. Check Power Source: Ensure that the charging case is correctly connected to a power source. A blue light at the back of the charging dock will ensure that the black dock is plugged in properly. Then, for the two indicator lights next to where the hearing aids insert to confirm that the hearing aids are receiving power. The hearing aid indicator lights will be red while charging, and green when fully charged. If the light is off, try a different outlet or check the power cable.

2. Correct Placement: Place the hearing aids into the charging case, ensuring they are properly seated. You should feel the hearing aids 'click' into place and see the indicator lights on the case turn red (or green), signifying a connection. If the lights do not turn red, remove and reinsert the hearing aids to ensure proper alignment.

3. Charging Duration: Leave the hearing aids in the charging case for at least 4 hours. Fully charged devices will have green indicator lights. 

4. Troubleshooting Connection: To troubleshoot charging connection issues, clean the charging contacts on both the hearing aids and the charging dock with a soft cloth to remove any debris or wax buildup.

If after following these steps and watching the videos you are still experiencing issues please reach out to our support team here.

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