New Research Connects Hearing Loss To Alzheimer's, Dementia, Depression & More...
Recent studies conducted at Johns Hopkins University have connected hearing loss to the onset of...
September 01, 2020Popular Tags
Recent studies conducted at Johns Hopkins University have connected hearing loss to the onset of Alzheimer's.
September 01, 2020Hearing loss is frustrating. It can make it hard to keep up with the world around you. For anyone hard of...
October 08, 2020Thousands of Audien Hearing customers are looking for a new hearing solution, but find that the process of going from...
October 14, 2020It can be really difficult to insert a pair of in ear hearing aids without feedback or whistling. Often times,...
October 14, 2020At Audien Hearing, our #1 priority is to make hearing affordable for as many people as possible. We take pride in...
October 14, 2020Your pair of hearing aids are an important part of every day life. When it comes to your five senses,...
October 15, 2020We put together an article that covers the exciting new release of our improved EV3 hearing aid. It has a...
October 17, 2020Not sure if Audien Hearing aids will work for you? Check out this article that covers the basics of hearing...
October 20, 2020Looking for the best hearing aids to buy online? Check out our comprehensive hearing aid guide that covers everything from...
October 23, 2020Find everything you need to know about hearing loss in Audien Hearing’s complete hearing loss guide. We discuss causes, symptoms,...
October 25, 2020Rechargeable hearing aids are quickly becoming the preferred type of hearing aid. Read our great guide to learn more about...
October 26, 2020Tinnitus is one of the most common symptoms of hearing loss. That's why we put together a comprehensive guide to...
October 26, 2020If you think you may have hearing loss, it’s time for you to get your hearing tested and start looking...
October 28, 2020Hearing aids are like an extension of yourself—you rely on them to more fully experience the world around you, and...
November 06, 2020Hearing is an essential component of our sensory system; it helps us connect with the world around us and assess...
November 17, 2020Hearing loss is a common issue that can affect sufferers of any age and gender. Over 13% (approximately 30 million)...
November 27, 2020Tinnitus is a medical situation that results in the hearing of sound in the absence of any external sound. The...
November 27, 2020Hearing loss affects more than 1 in 6 of every American today. That equals approximately 48 million Americans with some...
December 14, 2020Hearing loss is a fairly common experience. 48 million Americans are thought to have one form of hearing loss or...
December 14, 2020Obstructions in your middle ear or blockages in your ear canal can cause damage to your auditory system and other...
December 14, 2020Hearing loss often starts with losing the ability to hear high pitched sound. High frequencies, between 2,000 Hz and 8,000...
December 14, 2020The buzz just won’t get lost. That irritating high pitched ringing sound in your ear has been there for...
December 17, 2020Tinnitus or that irritating ringing in your ears isn't the problem in itself but the symptom of a...
December 19, 2020One of the many causes of tinnitus includes traumatic injury of the brain and may warrant further investigations by...
January 09, 2021If you are in need of a pure tone hearing test or maybe you’re just curious about what exactly it...
January 13, 2021Whether you’re just simply curious about how bone conduction testing works or you’re researching it before getting your hearing checked,...
January 13, 2021Tympanometry is a hearing test used to measure the function of the middle ear and eardrum. It has proved to...
January 13, 2021Everyone at some point in their lives has heard that ringing, whooshing, or buzzing sound after a concert, listening to...
January 23, 2021Earwax, which is also known as cerumen, is a waxy, yellowish substance found inside the ear that comes out of...
January 23, 2021As we go about our daily activities, we are exposed to different sounds from our environment - music from our...
January 23, 2021Auditory Brainstem Response is a hearing test used to measure the function of the inner ear and brain pathways. It...
January 28, 2021Whiplash is a condition that occurs when a person's head is suddenly forced backward and then forward. This sudden movement...
February 11, 2021Hearing loss can be mild, moderate, severe, or profound. In most cases, hearing can be enhanced with the help...
February 27, 2021Conductive hearing loss is a type of hearing loss that occurs when sound waves are unable to pass through...
April 14, 2021Conductive hearing loss is a type of hearing loss caused by the inability of sound to pass through the...
April 14, 2021Sensorineural hearing loss is a type of hearing loss that is caused by damage to the auditory nerve and...
April 15, 2021Conductive hearing loss is caused by a problem in the outer or middle ear that prevents sound from getting...
April 22, 2021Pure tone audiometry is the primary hearing test for identifying hearing threshold levels in a patient and determining the...
April 24, 2021Personal style is something that people strive for when it comes to appearances. Our styles and tastes are a necessary...
August 24, 2021Hidden hearing loss is a broad term that indicates a person who is suffering from hearing loss that a normal...
August 24, 2021Hearing loss is considered a widespread disability, with one in ten people in the United States reporting some degree of...
August 24, 2021Are you in the market for hearing aids to help you improve your hearing due to hearing loss? Whether you...
August 24, 2021From 2020 to 2021, the hearing aid clinics industry increased by 2.4 percent, which comes out to be worth around...
August 24, 2021From the moment we are old enough to hear sounds, our brains are using waves of energy to understand the...
August 24, 2021The world keeps changing every single day, and there’s no better place to be with how much new technology has...
August 24, 2021If you’ve had your hearing aids for a while, you may start to wonder when it would be a good...
August 24, 2021Hearing loss is an extensive, dynamic term that refers to depreciation in someone's ability to naturally hear the sound without...
August 24, 2021Cookie bite hearing loss is a rare form of sensorineural hearing loss that affects a person’s ability to hear a...
August 24, 2021With millions of people in the United States affected by hearing loss, this disability represents a fair amount of financial...
August 24, 2021Everyone has experienced changes in sensitivity to sound at one point or another. Changes in hearing are a common part...
September 20, 2021Conductive hearing loss is hearing loss that happens when sound is blocked from passing into the inner ear. This...
September 20, 2021Hearing loss is one of the most common forms of disability affecting the population. It is not only common in...
September 29, 2021One of the most prevalent barriers to someone’s journey of attaining hearing aids is the very high cost of hearing...
September 29, 2021Hearing aids have been around for a long time. In fact, as long as people have been experiencing hearing loss,...
September 29, 2021“The best way to think of this problem is to distinguish between fatigue and trauma. Fatigue means you get tired....
November 01, 2021“Aside from the benefits of new technology, earbuds can pose certain risks. The most obvious is making sure to control...
November 01, 2021“While hearing loss can be gradual, it can have long-standing, devastating consequences. In some studies, people have reported loss of...
November 01, 2021“Perhaps one of the greatest mysteries in medicine is the brain and how it develops and changes. Even when supplied...
November 01, 2021“What makes us all so unique is our innate ability to adapt and overcome. Deafness is just like any other...
November 01, 2021“In physics, sound is a vibration through a medium, in our case ‘air’, that causes what is known as an...
November 01, 2021“Just like many other things in life, we all need to be cautious when it comes to exercise. Even highly...
November 01, 2021“Tinnitus remains one of the most frustrating conditions both for patients and clinicians. There is no quick fix, but there...
November 01, 2021“Most people with unilateral hearing loss or loss in one ear compensate well. The perception of sound in the usable...
November 01, 2021“When I first started seeing patients, disposable hearing aid batteries were the only option. Not only were they difficult to...
November 01, 2021“A decibel is a measure of 1/10 of a bel, using a logarithmic scale, meaning it is a way to...
November 01, 2021“Over the years, I have found tinnitus to be one the most challenging and frustrating problems for my patients. Patients...
November 01, 2021“There is a difference between hearing aids and eyeglasses. Hearing aids “aid” if and only if there is any usable...
November 01, 2021“Our emotions can play tricks on us. Those with heightened anxiety can experience their bodies “red-lining,” just like a racecar...
November 01, 2021“Sound masking is a remarkable thing. We use it every day in so many ways we don’t even realize it....
November 01, 2021“Tinnitus, like dizziness, can be one of the greatest challenges for both patients and doctors. Everyone has different symptoms and...
November 01, 2021Again, hearing is the reception and the perception of sounds. How we perceive the sounds is up to us. In...
November 01, 2021Ear wax is one of many natural secretions of the human body. Many people become accustomed to the normal color...
January 27, 2022The human body is immensely complex and has many systems that work together to allow for its proper functioning. The...
January 27, 2022When growing up, many people are taught to utilize cotton swabs to clean their ears. While you may feel like...
January 27, 2022Any form of injury is something to be taken seriously, but this couldn’t be any more true for injuries to...
January 27, 2022In today’s world, we often take many of the things in our everyday life for granted and don’t take the...
January 27, 2022If you have ever had a severe earwax blockage, you most likely have dealt with the discomfort of the blockage,...
January 27, 2022Ear wax is a sticky wax-like secretion that comes from the ears. While you may have grown up thinking you...
January 27, 2022Most young adults today have likely had a hearing test as a part of mandated testing in school systems to...
January 27, 2022Hearing aids are an integral aspect of many people’s days around the globe. Needing hearing aids and relying on them...
January 27, 2022Cleaning your ears may sound like an important part of your hygiene regimen, but in actuality, there are only a...
January 27, 2022Hearing is a very important sense that may be taken for granted until the moment you begin to lose it....
January 27, 2022Your ears are an important organ, and ensuring you do your best to maintain its health is an integral part...
January 28, 2022Many people think of hearing loss as a binary condition, but the reality is that it occurs on a spectrum....
January 28, 2022Hearing loss is often just seen as an inability to hear sounds, but there is actually a ton of variation...
January 28, 2022Hearing is an important sense, and as such, there are a number of different innovations that have been created throughout...
January 28, 2022In today's world, it seems like more people than ever are anxious. When you take the time to stop and...
January 28, 2022Hearing loss is a common condition, and its prevalence increases with age. Many people go a large part of their...
February 01, 2022It’s no secret that the food you eat on a daily basis impacts how your body functions. The human body...
February 01, 2022Ear wax is a naturally occurring substance that the body produces to help protect your ears. Contrary to what you...
February 03, 2022If you have recently found out that you have a degree of hearing loss, a ton of questions may go...
February 03, 2022Normal hearing is a complex sense that humans have, and from a scientific view, it is one that is quite...
February 03, 2022Any injury to the head or face tends to get people worried as there are a number of delicate structures...
February 04, 2022Hyperacusis is a condition that causes individuals to have heightened sensitivity to the intensity of sounds. Essentially those with hyperacusis...
February 04, 2022One of the largest threats to your ability to hear well into your future is exposure to loud noises. Noise...
February 04, 2022Ear wax is a normal bodily secretion that many people don’t think much of, but it is an essential aspect...
February 04, 2022Rush Limbaugh was a conservative radio personality that had established quite the following in his many decades on the air....
February 04, 2022Hearing loss tends to come to mind when people think of hearing conditions, but there are many other hearing conditions...
February 04, 2022Ear wax is a natural secretion for the ears that plays a vital role in their overall health. Also known...
February 14, 2022It is no secret that health care costs in the United States are high. Especially when it comes to how...
February 14, 2022If you have ever gotten a hearing test, you may be familiar with what an audiogram is, but if you...
February 14, 2022Tinnitus is a condition that is more common than most people would initially think. Tinnitus is characterized by an individual...
February 14, 2022Find the best over the counter hearing aids to live your life comfortbly and on your own terms.
March 04, 2023Are you looking for a low-cost yet effective hearing aid? You might have considered purchasing a hearing aid if you...
March 04, 2023This post will help you get the life you want and deserve with these affordable quality otc hearing aids.
March 23, 2023